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Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Method Five

Before I begin commenting on method five, I just want to say how much I have enjoyed the videos by Common Craft.  They make alot of sense, are easy to follow and are extremely entertaining.  Great choice for our class.

After struggling with method four, this was a nice change.  On a personal level, I can see the value in downloading photographs to Flickr for public consumption and also using Flickr as a backup to your photos.  However, I would be very careful as to what I posted on this site or any site for that matter. 

Professionally, I have alot to think about after reading Michael Stephens article.  He did a really great job of presenting both sides of the issue, especially where minors are concerned.  Publicity is a necessary and popular tool for the continued existance of libraries, but some very important issues must be addressed as part of the process.  This will be a really good idea to share with the rest of the staff and the library board for their input. 

Thanks for a really interesting segment.

Method Five: Add photo link to blog

Friday, August 26, 2011

Method Four: Thank you Naomi

 “Discussed this with Naomi on 8/26/11”

Method Four

I am lost.  I watched all of the available material in lesson four and went to Google Reader and selected three URL to subscribe to and looked/worked with them in the Reader, but I cannot figure out how to get those links onto my blog.  I have been at this for atleast an hour and nothing I do works.  So consquently, there are no links on my blog.  What am I missing????

Friday, August 19, 2011

Method Three

I really enjoyed reading Cruey's article about Computing for the Masses.  It gave a clear, concise, easy for a layman to understand description of the Cloud.  Before this class, I had no interaction with the Cloud at all but after reading that article I felt like a had a jumping off point in my journey to understand and using the Cloud.

In Doug Johnson's article, the point that stood out for me was the privacy issues in using the Cloud.  I can see where the applications would be terrific, but I have to admit that I harbor a fear of putting too much information out on the internet withour safeguards that I am comfortable with.

Michael Stephen's article about the library uses of the Cloud, was interesting but alittle intiminating.  In a large library where staff is available to specialize in computer services, I can see where using the Cloud on a large scale would be possible but the situation would be entirely different in a small rural library with limited staff.  This is not a cop out by any means, just reality.

My favorite article by far was Jenny LeVine.  She really knows what she is talking about when it comes to library and computer services including the Cloud.  If a library is going to  promote these services, the staff is going to be responsible for teaching critical skills about the Cloud as well as it advantages.  Cloud tools with consequences. Well put.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

First Blog

My very first blog.  I can see how this is a very interesting way to share information and opinions.

Methods One and Two

In the first two sections of this program, I have really had to challenge myself to work with this new technology.  I know that this is all common place for alot of folks, but for me, it is really a learning curve, but I am ready for the challenge.  I have already used Meebo several times after learning about it in a different class.  Before, I did not have any idea what it was about and have found it very easy to use.

Now, my comments on the first two sections of this class.  What really stood out for me was two phrases: the first one was "unintented consquences" and "15 minutes per day".  Technology really is full of consquences, as users we can use those consquences to our advantage or fight them and lose.

I really loved the idea of 15 minutes per day.  Even thought my day is packed, I can certainly set aside 15 minutes to per day to expose myself to advances in technology.  It kinda like exercising, you really don't want to do it, but you love the results.